There are many reasons why epilepsy may occur, and the development of the symptoms also vary widely. The main symptoms include seizures (with or without aura), loss of consciousness, clonic movements, difficulties in voluntary movements, paresthesias such as burning, tingling, or numbness and visual hallucinations.
Homeopathy have long traditions in treating epilepsy, and homeopathic medicine is known to have good effect in reducing the number and/or intensity of the attacks, and even removing them completely in some cases.
Kali muriaticum is one of the main homeopathic remedy in treating epilepsy, especially when it occurs in connection to suppression of eruptions. "Kali muriaticum is one of the tissue remedies too easily overlooked. Its delicate affinity for the nerve centres makes it a slow acting remedy. In as much as the physician too frequently seeks palliation in epilepsy, it is not generally employed long enough. Without doubt it preserves the fibrin factor and prevents a tissue metamorphosis. This, he believes, should be the therapeutic aim in treating this disease. It is simple enough to relieve a fit, for it is in itself self-limiting. The real object is to overcome the morbid degeneration. The protoplasmic fibres are surely strengthened by Kali mur., and such a condition tends to preserve the brain integrity. When the brain-cells are properly nourished, they can withstand the irritation of the sensory fibrillar which surround them. This being done, we have made the first advance toward the removal of the cause of the disease.." (The Clinique, June IS, 1897).
Another important remedy which is used in the treatment is Natrium Sulphuricum. This homeopathic remedy is specific to the epilepsy that occurs after a head injury (posttraumatic epilepsy).
Other remedies valuable in the treatment of epilepsy include: Kali phos. (coldness and palpitation after the fit), Magn.phos. (fits result of vicious habits), Ferrum phos. (fits with rush of blood to the head) and Silicea (fits during the night, cold before attack).
A case study of the acute treatment of a 5-year old girl with status epilepticus can be found at