The homeopathic remedy Conium Maculatum has been used extensively for malignant affections of glands. The symptoms are a gradually growing hardness of the glands, which is commonly seen in tumor formation in the breasts and other parts of the body.

Conium has long been used by homeopathic professionals in the treatment of breast cancer, especially in Indian hospitals. A recent study reveals the effect homeopathic remedies can have on cell growth. International Journal of Oncology reports:

We conducted an in vitro study to determine if products prescribed by a clinic in India have any effect of breat cancer cell lines. We studied four ultradiluted remedies (Carcinosin, Phytolacca, Conium and Thuja) against two human breast adenocarcinoma cell lines.. and a cell line derived from imoortalized normal human mammary epithelial cells.. The remedies exerted preferential cytotoxic effects against the tow breast cancer cell lines, causing cell cycle delay/arrest and apoptosis.. The findings demonstrate biological activity of these natural products when presented at ultra-diluted doses.

Conium is made of Poison Hemlock and is one of our main remedies to combat malignancy and pre malignant conditions. The complaints in this remedy develop slowly and progressively and its main symptoms are ascending paralysis, weakness of body and mind, trembling and palpitation. It is commonly given to older patients when they start withdraw from life and they start having difficulties moving physically, mentally and emotionally. Other symptoms include: weakened memory, mental depression, introversion, indifference to materialistic and sexual desires.

The cause of the Conium condition is often an injury (blows, contusions) to the soft tissue, ailments due to sexual suppression or sexual excess, excitement or overwork.

A case by Paul Herscu demonstrates the effect of this deep acting homeopathic remedy:

I recall treating one woman in her fifties who suddenly developed mastitis. Her right breast was extremely painful and inflamed. The soreness was throughout the breast, especially aggravated by touch or pressure, even from the touch of her bra or clothing.. I found that the breast had multiple nodules and that the nipple had became retracted. the nodules filled the whole breast extending into her axillary glands. It turned out that her horse had kicked her in that breast some months earlier and that after some weeks it felt better, but now all of the sudden this inflammation began. Conium Maculatum 200C stopped the pains that day and the nodules and swelling decreased over the next two days; no other treatment was needed.


The dental experience involves a great many factors for the fearful patient. We can think of the antiseptic smell upon entering the reception room. The whine of the dental drill can really separate the men from the boys. He is surrounded by uniformed people coming at him with foreign objects to violate that important psychological space, the mouth..

Gelsemium is the number one remedy for fear of the dentist. A dose taken the morning of the procedure, is sufficient to turn the dentist into a friend rather than the invader with the painful tools.

Many patients fear especially the Root canal procedure. This acute situation can happen to any of us, but there are certain methods to stack the cards in favor of the patient. The most obvious is to be a regular patient and have small problems taken care of before they become emergency situations, so the need for a root canal probably never arises.

A root canal simply cleans and shapes the hollow center of a tooth, which is normally filled with blood, nerve and lymph tissue called the pulp. This tissue can be damaged by trauma such as a blow to the mouth, or deep decay can cause bacterial infection inside the tooth. As part of the root canal, a special filling is placed in this hollow center to prevent further infection. The best way to prevent the need for a root canal is through hygiene to protect against early caries or tooth decay.

Homeopathy can help strengthen teeth to prevent decay: the tissue salt Calc. phos. 6x will strengthen teeth just as it can strengthen bones weakened by osteoporosis.
Once an infection arises, it’s too late to self-medicate to cure the infection; you will need to see your dentist for the abscess. But homeopathy can certainly help with the pain.

Chamomilla is an excellent remedy for the oversensitive patient who fears pain in general and faints or screams at the thought of pain; it is especially good for children and nervous patients. The pain is pulsating, jerking or drawing and feels worse from cold, from a draft, from drinking coffee or other hot drinks, from chewing, from pressure, and from the warmth of the bed or the room.

Merc. sol. is good for drawing, pressing, tearing pain, worse at night, from cold air, in bed, from damp weather, and during eating. It goes with involuntary flow of saliva and swelling of the face, abscess of the roots of the teeth, and nasal discharge.

For pain in the teeth after a filling, by far the most popular remedy is Arnica. The pain has a sensation of pulling in the teeth while eating, is worse from chewing, and a typical bruised, sore feeling, worse from being touched. Another valuable remedy is Hypericum, which has a typical drawing, electrical, tearing nerve pain, worse at night and when the person moves.

You can routinely take Arnica after a tooth filling to save a lot of trouble. The patient himself should always take a dose of Calendula ahead of time when extensive surgery is needed or if the patient is a slow healer.

Excerpt from Dentistry and Teeth: The Real Tooth Fairy: A Homeopathic Remedy! by Dr.Luc


"We know how deeply emotionally ill people suffer. They may be very nice people, yet they suffer from a difficult internal struggle. At a certain moment, a syphilitic person might kill.

It is known that some people who take certain antidepressants develop the inclination to kill other people. These are syphilitic individuals. The antidepressant touches their syphilitic miasm, not by curing it but by suppressing their syphilitic depression. When their symptoms re-emerge more strongly after suppression, these individuals may feel that they have to kill somebody. Nothing will quiet the syphilitic heritage except homeopathy.."

"The foundation of the chronic miasms in the practice of homeopathy" by Henny Heudens-Mast is amongst my favorite books on homeopathic literature. Her knowledge and experience in the classical homeopathic philosophy and treatment inspires students and fellow homeopaths to reach her level of insight and inspiration in their daily challenges to find the simillimum for their patients.

Henny describes the general tendencies and energy of the chronic miasms as follows:

PSORA: *The idea of too little. *Deficiency. *Weakness. *Slow reaction. *Slow growth. *Low energy. *Poor assimilation.
SYPHILIS: *The idea of destruction. *Perversion. *Deformation. *Hidden reactions. *Hidden growth. *Mostly normal energy.
SYCOSIS: *The idea of too much. *Excess. *Sudden reaction. *Overreaction. *Rapid growth. * High energy.
TUBERCULAR: *The idea of travel. *Change. *High energy in bursts - then worn out. *Elements of psora, syphilis, and sycosis.
CANCER: *The idea of perfectionism. * Extreme sensitivity. *Suppression. *Energy a little up and down. *Elements of psora, syphilis, sycosis, and tuberculosis.

I strongly recommend the reading!


Broken or sprained ribs are known to cause a great deal of pain. It is a common injury on the sports field and many has also suffered broken ribs due to fall on the ice this winter. A broken rib can be hard to cope with, especially since every small movement cause pain; even the slightest breath provokes pain and causes great suffering.

Homeopathic remedies are commonly used for first aid treatment. They are known to have an instant effect on acute injuries and ailments, and are often the first choice of treatment among professional athletes.

If you have been diagnosed with a fractured or sprained rib, I would recommend you to take a look at the healing benefits of the following homeopathic medicines:

ARNICA. Our main first aid remedy for injuries of any sorts, including almost any type of sports injuries. If you should choose to purchase one homeopathic medicine for self treatment, choose Arnica. Test it out on a bleeding that has been caused by any kind of injury. As the bleeding normally will halt (or, at least, dramatically diminish) within the minute after taking the remedy, you will be convinced of the effect of Homeopathic medicine.

BRYONIA. Often used specific when suffering a broken rib. People needing this remedy, will barely be able to move because of the pain - a symptom which is specific in the diagnosis of a broken or sprained rib. The patients will often keep the upper part of their body completely still and support the chest with their hands, so that the movement from the breathing will not provoke too much pain.

SYMPHYTUM. This is a most useful homeopathic medicine for healing fractures. The remedy is made of the comfrey plant, which is widely known under the name Knitbone. It is a remedy that help mend tissue together when it has been torn apart. Due to its effective healing properties, you need to be sure that the bone is in its right place before you start taking this remedy. Wait for a confirmation from the x-ray pictures, and then start the homeopathic treatment with Symphytum.

Broken ribs usually heal in 6 to 10 weeks, but with the help of homeopathic treatment we often see that the period of healing is up to two weeks shorter. Older people having to deal with a broken rib must be careful to also put the attention on their breath. They need to learn from a physician or a physiotherapist how to breathe properly, so that they can prevent developing pneumonia during the time of recovery.

Always contact your professional Homeopath to know which potencies of the correctly chosen remedy will suit your constitutional type.

Related Article: The use of homeopathic Arnica in sports injuries.


"She doesn't want anyone worrying for her. She has said, 'If one more person asks how I'm doing in a sympathetic tone, I will scream!'"

These are the words from a friend of Elin, Tiger Woods' wife, describing how she copes with her recent heartbreak. The words are sited from the article: Tiger Woods' wife removes sunglasses, reveals puffy eyes, which also reveals that Elin has lost 10 pounds and has turned to homeopathic remedies to fall asleep.

She makes a good choice by getting professional homeopathic help in order to cope with her life situation at the moment. Fortunately this seems to be and increasing trend in the US these days. But what can a homeopathic remedy offer this woman, and which homeopathic remedy would be the right one for her? For the sake of exploring homeopathic case taking, we'll have a look at how a simplified analyzes would look like.

The symptoms available to us are the following:
1. She doesn't want anyone worrying for her.
2. She has puffy eyes and dark circles under the eyes.
3. She has trouble falling asleep.
4. She has lost 10 pounds after the heartbreak.
5. She is closed off and doesn't attend regular tennis games.

We can match these symptoms with homeopathic description of conditions:
1. Mind, consolation aggravates / Mind, grief, ailments from grief
2. Eye swollen / Face, sunken
3. Sleep, sleeplessness, grief, from
4. Generalities, emaciation
5. Mind, company, aversion to / Mind, conversation aggravates

These homeopathic symptoms leads us to various homeopathic remedies, and after carefully analyzing the symptoms, the most likely remedy Elin would need in her situation right now is Ignatia - a remedy which also happens to be remedy number one for heartbreaks.

Ignatia is often given when the structure of a person's life breaks down - this can be emotionally or physically. It is used as a remedy for silent grief, ailments from bad news and after suffering from disappointments. Some physical symptoms indicating this remedy are: perspiration in the face, lump in the troat, sighing, paroxysm of cough without signs of illness and back spasms after grief.