The homeopathic remedy Fluoric acid is often called the Don Juan of our materia medica. The person needing this remedy will be indifferent to those who love and serve him and to any commitments to other people.

Fluoric acid people need their freedom to pursue the opposite sex, and they do not want to stay married. They have an inability to accept responsibility, and are justifying their actions with comments such as: "these people are standing in my way".

The Don Juan is also driven to gain money and luxurious possessions.

Other symptoms include:
- rapid speech, rapid eating
- extremely warm blooded; generally worse from heat
- coryza, copious watery discharge
- alopecia areata (falling of hair)
- painful varicose veins
- hot feet at night which must be uncovered

We can speculate to what effect the fluoridation of our water supplies will have on our health. When we look closer on this remedy picture, the thought is alarming - especially because it works deeply and affects the metabolism, the bones and the connective tissue.

Will we see more of the materialistic and domineering Don Juan's in the future? Those who are constantly preoccupied with the fulfillment of their sexual cravings?

I hope not.


I was reading in an Norwegian newspaper yesterday about a patient receiving antibiotics for 130 000 NOK's (about 21 000 dollars) in one month due to the treatment of the bacteria NDM-1. NDM-1 is said to be one of the most powerful super bug which exists, and because it is resistant to most antibiotics it is very difficult and expensive to cure.

The article reminded me of another story, about a filmmaker who treated such an infection with homeopathy. After very expensive visits to the hospital, the super bug returned in the infected area of his body - which indicated that the antibiotics had failed. Because of the lack of results of the treatment and because the treatment in the hospital became too expensive, he turned to Homeopathy.

This is the story about Marc Wishengrad, a New York City filmmaker, who had been documenting various forms of medicine around the world, turned the camera on himself when he contacted the potentially lethal "Super Bug" or MRSA (Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus.)

Please take the time to watch the video of Marc and his process of recovery based on homeopathic treatment.

Also please note that no homeopath will recommend only homeopathic treatment in such conditions, but we surely welcome collaboration with MD specialists on these matters, as I'm sure homeopathic medicine will speed up the healing process and lower the costs of the treatment (!)


A couple of years ago, while visiting Philadelphia, I was happy to find a hospital named after the founder of Homeopathy - namely the Hahnemann university hospital.

Today, when English homeopathic hospitals are struggling to keep "alive", due to the strong antagonistic forces of the pharmaceutical business world, I am allowing myself to dream of long forgotten times - as I'm reading the first part of chapter one of the book: An Alternative Path: "The Making and Remaking of Hahnemann Medical College and Hospital" by Naomi Rogers:

In the winter of 1848, Constantine Hering, Jacob Jeanes, and Walter Williamson met to establish a homeopathic medical scool in Philadelphia. On April 8, 1848, the state legislature in Hariisburg granted the Homeopathic Medical College of Pennsylvania an act of incorporation, and over the sumer the organizers found a building on Arch Street which had been used previously as a schoolroom and also as a Swedenborgian church and now housed a homeopathic pharmacy n its front rooms. The first lectures began in October 1848 and were attended by fifteen students, six of whom received a doctor of homeopathic medicine degree the following March. The college was financed and managed by a goup made up of faculty, other eminent homeopaths, and some business and philanthropic supporters. This goup, whose powers were formalized in 1849, was initially known as the board of managers, but he name was later changed to the board of trustees.

The first chapter is called "proudly homeopathic" - and I feel that here is the essence of our future plans for homeopathic medicine and new homeopathic hospitals. We have to BE proudly homeopathic, in all our actions.

And as we are just that, I'm looking forward to getting the chance of reading the whole story about the history of the Hahnemann university hospital - and remembering wise words from a supporter of homeopathic medicine, Thomas Jefferson:

We certainly are not to deny whatever we cannot account for. A thousand phenomena present themselves daily which we cannot explain, but where facts are suggested, bearing no analogy with the laws of nature as yet known to us, their verity needs proofs proportioned to their difficulty. A cautious mind will weigh well the opposition of the phenomenon to everything hitherto observed, the strength of the testimony by which it is supported, and the errors and misconceptions to which even our senses are liable..


The news tonight are stating that: "A cholera epidemic was spreading in central Haiti on Friday as aid groups rushed doctors and supplies to fight the country's deadliest health crisis since January's earthquake. At least 150 people have died and more than 1,500 others are ill."

We knew that this was in the coming, but I hoped that it somehow could be avoided through all the medical assistance/efforts that has been launched in Haiti since january this year. My hope now - since the epidemic is already there - is that proper homeopathic treatment will reach the diseased and improve and relieve their symptoms.

Some facts.. Cholera is the illness caused by a bacterium called Vibria cholerae. It infects people's intestines, causing diarrhea, vomiting and leg cramps. The infection typically brings up diarrhea and vomiting, and quickly leaves the body dehydrated. The dehydration and the following shock can kill a person within hours. are listing homeopathic remedies for cholera treatment:

Veratrum album. This remedy should be given early in the true cholera. It has profuse watery stools with a cold, blue surface and cold sweat on forehead and great prostration. Its characteristics may be summed as follows:

1. Pain in the abdomen preceding stool. 2. Profuseness of the stool and forcible evacuation. 3. Great prostration following stool. 4. The sense of inner burning. 5. The cold sweat. 6. Cold surface of the body.

There are sharp, cutting pains in the abdomen and great weakness, almost fainting with stool, at the same time there is vomiting and purging, cramps and rice water discharges. There must be pain for Veratrum to be well indicated. Stools are worse at night and the patient emaciates rapidly. It is our first remedy in cholera infantum with greenish stools, sometimes containing flakes like spinach. Jatropha. Cholera, vomiting of ropy, albuminous matters, great prostration, vomiting and purging and rice water stools. Cramps and coldness. It pictures cholera perfectly.

Camphora. With this remedy the system seems overwhelmed by the violence of the poisoning even before the vomiting and diarrhea appear; there is at once intense prostration, bluish, icy cold face, cold body, weak, squeaky voice, stiffness of muscles, coldness and collapse, burning in stomach and oesophagus.

Coldness, dryness and blueness express its characteristics. The discharges are scanty, if present at all, the tongue is actually cold. It is an almost infallible remedy at the onset of cholera, and was so considered by Hahnemann. It corresponds to a dry cholera, where the patient is taken simply with coldness, has not the vitality to vomit and purge. It suits especially, therefore, the period of invasion..

Cuprum. Intense spasms and cramps mark this remedy; there is coldness of the surface of the body, dryness of the mouth, thirst, blueness of the skin, cramps of the muscles of the calves, violent pains in the epigastrium and ineffectual efforts to vomit. It has vomiting and purging nearly as great as Veratrum, but not the cold sweat.

Cramps are more prominent under Cuprum than any other remedy. It has also spasmodic twitchings, and has been used as a prophylactic. Probably the acetate is the better preparation of the use. Hale recommends Cuprum arsenicosum. The evacuations of Cuprum are choleric; they irritate more than they inflame, thus coming nearer to cholera than Arsenicum. Everything is spasmodic, and it is indicated only when vomiting and purging have set in. In the chest the cramps produce dyspnoea; there are cramps in extremities, even in fingers and thumbs.

Arsenicum. Arsenicum poisoning has been mistaken for cholera. There is intense vomiting and purging, brownish yellow, profuse, offensive yellow or green stools with thirst, cold body, and burning internally. It has more restlessness and less sweat than Veratrum. In cholera infantum with undigested stools, restlessness, and rapid emaciation. Diarrhea when the child begins to eat and drink. Ptomaine poisoning calls for the remedy. It is distinguished from Veratrum by the scantiness of the discharges. Lachesis. Vomiting renewed by the least exertion.

Carbo vegetabilis. The remedy where reaction seems extinct; the prostration is so great that the patient is too weak to move, has cold body, rapid and thread-like pulse and cold breath. When vomiting, diarrhea and spasm or pain have ceased. Prostration from drain on the system, lips bluish, breathing weak, is an excellent indication group for Carbo vegetabilis.

Secale. Suits the stage of collapse with desire to keep cool; cholera infantum with profuse undigested stools, watery and offensive, followed by prostration; the movements are copious and come in spurts; the skin is wrinkled , dry and cold; patient is almost pulseless, cold, but averse to being covered, spasmodic twitching of muscles, spreads finger apart, eyes sunken, features pinched, are important indicating symptoms of Secale.

Podophyllum. This remedy pictures cholera morbus; there is a painless watery stool coming out with a gush and a loathing of food; undigested diarrhea worse mornings may also be present.

Calcarea carbonica. Cholera infantum, craving for eggs; vomiting of milk in curds, diarrhea, worse in the evening, of greenish, undigested, watery and sour stools are characteristic of this remedy.

Aconite. This remedy has greenish or chopped spinach stools and inflammatory symptoms Hempel recommended Aconite tincture in cholera where there is a rapid collapse unattended with copious evacuations. A quiet,subdued, passive condition contraindicates Aconite. Aconite is one of the most important remedies in the active stage of cholera infantum.

For the full article, click here..
Please, also check out Homeopathy Film Project, who are reporting on homeopathic treatment in Haiti.


APIS can be effectively used when symptoms fit the following picture: Oedematous swellings, redness, pains burning and stinging. Restlessness. Thirstlessness. Better from cold applications. Worse from heat and between 4 and 6 pm.

The homeopathic remedy Apis Mellifica is made from the honey-bee poison. It act mainly on cellular tissues, causing oedema of skin and mucous membranes. The apis state can arise from infection, allergy or inflammatory causes - and caracteristically the swelling is so prominent that it gives the impression of a balloon ready to burst.

The personality of Apis often has a busy intensity, vitality and strength.

Key prescription areas are:
  • Angioneurotic edema in allergic crisis.
  • Pharyngitis with bag-like swelling of the uvula.
  • Glomerulonephritis. Nephrotic syndrome, with dramatic edema of the entire body.
  • Urticaria, with burning pains.
  • Herpes zoster of the face, with marked swollen lids which can hardly be forced open.

* * *
The no.1 remedy series is inspired by the Helios basic guide to homeopathy for the basic remedy kit.


ACONITE is useful in the early stages of colds, fevers and inflammations. It suits healthy people whose complaints come on suddenly. Possible causes are cold/dry wind, as well as fright/shock.

The symptoms are characterized by extreme restlessness and fear. The patient may have an unfounded fear of death. The skin is dry and hot. Symptoms are usually worse in the evening/around midnight. Thirst for cold drinks. May say everything tastes bitter, except from water. The patients condition is better from fresh air, and is getting worse from touch.

In the acute conditions, there is a rapidly developing inflammations of almost any organ system. In severe acute conditions the fear may be intense, however in minor conditions the fear may be entirely absent. The infection and inflammation in Aconite rarely extends to the purulent stage of the disease.

In addition to being the no.1 remedy for nipping colds in the bud, it is also a main remedy for early stages of croup.

* * *
The no.1 remedy series is inspired by the Helios basic guide to homeopathy for the basic remedy kit.


This evening I read a comment on one of the Fibromyalgia groups on facebook which I have to address here, not only to still my own flow of thoughts - but to potentially give something to this group of people, suffering a condition where little help is offered by conventional medicine.

Fibromyalgia, also known as soft tissue rheumatism,non-articular rheumatism and fibrositis, is a condition that affects tendons, muscles and ligaments. It is a very common disease that gives rise to a widespread pain in all joints that connect the bones. Fibromyalgia sufferers are therefore subject to regular chronic fatigue and sleep trouble as a result of swelling of joints and tissues or pain . These people are so much affected by this condition so the researchers in the medical community have searched for the cause of this problem but have not found the source of the problem.

This woman's request for help and understanding were as followed (freely translated into English): "Anyone else which suffers from "sleepy" hands at night? It hurts so much that I wake up from it. Then it disappear for a little while, but as soon as I fall asleep again, so do my hands. It hurts tremendously..."

After this statement I couldn't help myself but to analyze this symptom more closely in my homeopathic analyzing tool - the book synthesis.

The main symptom would in homeopathic terms be defined as:
Extremities - numbness - hands - night

And the homeopathic remedies which possibly could help in this conditions are listed as:
agar, ambr, ars-i, bry, carb-v, ham, kali-n, lyc, mag-m, merc-pr-r, pall, prot, sep, sil, vanil

If we consider more the pain symptom, there are various example of that as well, in our "little red book" - with of course additional remedies (not listed here):
Extremities - pain - hands - paralyzed, as if
Extremities - pain - hands - night
Extremities - pain - hands - asleep, falling

And I could go on and on and on with the differentiations of certain pains, but I believe I made my point clear.

The remedies noted above are by no means remedies which the patients themselves should investigate and "try out". It is meant as an example and an encouragement that there might be treatments "out there" that can have a positive influence on their condition.. Homeopaths never subscribe a remedy only from one symptom; the whole physical, emotional and mental history of the patient needs to be taken into consideration before the correct medicine, the patients' constitutional remedy, can be found.

To read more about homeopathic treatment, check out one of my first posts on this blog here..

* * *
A colleague of mine and I will launch a full treatment plan for fibromyalgia patients in a couple of weeks. People living in the Oslo area are welcome to participate! Its a program in which we have a special discount on all treatments (its homeopathic treatment combined with eastern medicinal treatments).

If you need more information on this treatment program, you are welcome to contact us at


Tarentulas belong to the spider (Arachnida) family. Tarentulas are nocturnal predators, killing their prey including birds, lizards, snakes, frogs and toads by injecting venom through their fangs.

The town Taranto, in Southern Italy, gave the spider its name. The bite of this spider was once believed to cause a fatal condition called tarantism. The illness was first recorded in medical journals in the 14th century. Occurring every summer for three hundred years, Tarantism reached its peak in the 17th century. According to the local belief, the only cure was to dance to certain music — tarantella — for days or even weeks.

Actually, the bite of this spider is not even particularly painful, let alone life-threatening. Because proteins are included when a toxin is injected, some individuals may suffer severe symptoms due to an allergic reaction rather than to the venom.

In the 1600s, people discovered that these spiders were virtually harmless. Many then concluded that the whole phenomenon of Tarantism was simply an excuse for a wild party. However, it is now suspected that there has been an entirely different kind of spider in the fields around Taranto that caused fairly severe bites (one candidate being the malmignatte or Mediterranean black widow), but the tarentulas, being wolf spiders, were fairly large, out in the open, and were frequently seen running around, which drew attention to them, and so they got the blame. Join that factor with the belief in tarantism and the supposed need for wild dancing to prevent sure death, and the fearsome world-wide reputation of the tarantula was guaranteed.

The Lycosa Tarentula’s bite was said to cause hallucinogenic effects. In some versions of the legend, the venom itself caused the dancer to move uncontrollably. The condition that results from the bite of Lycosa Tarentula was common in southern Italy during the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. Many people have suggested that the whole business was a deceit to evade religious proscriptions against dancing.

The amatory dance is a very important feature in the spider’s romance life. Several males will dance for one female and it is her, who then picks her chosen one to reproduce. The dance is also important for the Tarentula patient as his symptoms are influenced by music.

Tarentula cases are sometimes caused by anger, bad news, emotional excitement, excessive joy or disappointed love.

All these possible causes suggest that in a Tarentula case, unexpectedly the rhythm or the balance get upset. Tarentula’s nervous costume is tensed, like a coiled spring ready to jump any time it is released. And this is exactly what Tarentula does: the least emotional / mental excitement brings the normal flow of emotions and thoughts in him to a stop or changes the direction and he ‘jumps’.

Symptoms. In the 17th century, Tarantella was recommended after a bite of a tarentula; indeed, such a bite causes violent movements of the muscles that remind one of an eccentric or macabre dance. Tarentula is one of the hastiest remedies in the homeopathic Materia Medica, if not the hastiest of them. E.g. The patient suffers extreme restlessness of his legs and of the whole body or tosses and turns in bed all night long. Not only is this restlessness of a physical kind, but emotional and mental as well.

Tarentula patients are impatient with themselves as well as with fellow humans, especially when they deal with individuals that are slower. The reason for this impatient restlessness is partly to set free the enormous energy that inhibits Tarentula and partly that these are individuals driven from anxiety.

The excitement of Tarentula can go from extreme gayety and much singing (as far as) to hysteria, when the state of insanity becomes more severe, and can generally cause all kinds of strange, paradoxical behavior.

Since Tarentula’s nervous costume is so tensed, so under pressure, music can have a very soothing effect on him. Music comes along with rhythm and brings relaxation of the mind and the body for Tarentula, though the ‘wrong’ music can aggravate the complaints as it will be perceived as a disturbance. The music needs to be of the same rhythm as the patient himself and then his thoughts and his movements will be graceful, flowing and elegant. This is, why Tarentula sometimes sings his own song

    Tarentula is afraid, that he gets out of the rhythm that keeps him in balance. He fears, something could go wrong or that he can’t get all work of the day done. This is, besides the nervous excitement, the other reason he becomes so fast in everything and is so restless.

    When the restlessness of Tarentula gets slowed down or even stopped by external circumstances, he can become very aggressive and violent. The patient then develops vandalism, which he can hide very well at first. However, even the smart Tarentula patient can’t hide his anger for long and the stronger the pressure grows, the more his rhythm is disturbed, the angrier he becomes and his anger will eventually turn into rage with a desire to even kill. Tarentula’s anger always has a true exciting cause and will not get out of hand that much. The patient will stop raging, when this cause is eliminated. The greater the disturbance of his inner rhythm is the angrier will the patient be.

    There are strange sensations as if his legs were cut off or he is floating in air. Both show somewhat the affinity to spiders: 8 legs that are so important to crawl along the threads in the spider’s net and the feeling of floating in air, when swinging on these threads. Tarentula might also feel smaller than he actually is.

    In emergencies Tarentula most often is used for epilepsy, chorea, spasms and affections of the heart (angina pectoris).

    Constitution. Hering considers Tarentula suited to “nervous, hysterical patients, who are subject to choreic affections” and people that have a “mischievous and destructive tendency”. Sometimes in Tarentula, one pupil is much dilated, the other contracted. The eyes might be glassy, red and have blue circles around them. The face itself is flushed or pale / earthy, possibly in strong contrast with the purple neck and shows the expression of terror. The hands might be hot and sweaty.

    Physical Symptoms

    • Alternating Symptoms
    • Discharge of blood alternately with leucorrhea
    • Burning heat alternating icy coldness that causes trembling & shaking (in fever)
    • Concomitant Symptoms
    • Constrictive headache with pain in uterus
    • Headache with restless, has to move about
    • Vertigo with bad taste in mouth and headache
    • Vertigo accompanied by incomplete erection of penis
    • Snapping and pain in ear with hiccough
    • Toothache with hiccough
    • Tonsillitis with fear & sensation of suffocation
    • Throat complaints or cough accompanied by smarting in eye
    • Gastric complaints accompanied by neuralgic ones (head, face, ears, teeth etc)
    • Pain in uterus with constrictive headache
    • Faint feeling in stomach with frontal headache
    • Nausea with dizziness
    • Lancinating pain in spleen, with pain in stomach and uterus
    • Hard stool with blood
    • Profuse diarrhoea with prostration, nausea, vomiting and fainting
    • Constipation with involuntary passing of urine on coughing
    • Menses accompanied by toothache
    • Uterine trouble with bearing down pains
    • Precordial anxiety with tremulous beating of heart
    • Heat of face and palms
    • Intermittent fever with choreic convulsions

    Characteristic, peculiar Symptoms

    • Desire to pull out his hair on account of burning heat in scalp
    • objects seen with the left eye appear bright red
    • Cough > smoking
    • Stools occur on washing the head
    • Wetting hands in cold water <>
    • Cannot keep quiet anywhere or in any position
    • Right sided complaints
    • Sensation of cold water being poured over a body part (eye, head, inside of throat etc)
    • Complaints > music & dancing (fast)
    • Desires sand, ashes or cuttlefish, spiced food and craves cigarettes



      Lyme disease can affect the skin, and in some cases - with time, the nervous system, joints, heart. The bacteria which causes this illness is named Borrelia burgdorferi, and it is transmitted through bites from certain types of ticks, however not every infected person develops symptoms.

      Lyme disease has been known in Europe under various names since the late 19th century. The Lyme name came from the town Lyme, Conneticut in USA. In this town some children developed arthritis, which was originally thought to be rheumatoid arthritis, but investigations showed that this illness was caused by an infection transmitted from ticks.

      Risk factors to attract the disease include increased outdoor leisure activities in tick habitats. Ticks are tiny, spider-like creatures, which you’ll find in grassy areas and in the forest. They usually feed on blood of mammals or birds. If a tick feed on an animal, which is infected with the Borrelia bacteria, they become infected and may pass on the infection to other animals (including humans).

      Even if you get infected after a tick bite you don’t necessary develop symptoms. The most common sign of infection is a pale, pink or reddish rash, which spreads out from the site of the bite, usually within two weeks. Fever may also accompany the complaints, and some people experience enlargement of the lymph glands near the site of the rash. Tiredness and aching pains might follow the other symptoms.

      In more serious conditions, some people may develop nervous system complications – with weakness and paralysis of muscles. Other neurological symptoms include: burning in the skin, numbness or shingles-like pain. The complications occur some weeks or months after the bite of an infected tick.

      Lyme disease has been known to occasionally trigger arthritis, usually affecting the knee or other large joints. In most cases this settles down after antibiotic treatment. Lyme disease may also affect the heart, thereby causing an abnormality of heart-beat rhythm. This is although very uncommon, and will usually respond well to treatment.

      Blood tests will be negative in the initial infection stage. It will, however, detect antibodies to the Borrelia bacteria within three to six weeks of being infected – if untreated. Usually a treatment with doxycycline or amoxicillin for 14 days is recommended and effective of shortening the duration of the rash. Homeopathy may prove effective as an extra aid in treating Lyme disease, as it strengthens the body’s own immune system. We also do recommend a preventive aid, by giving certain remedies at once someone has been had a tick bite, and follow it up for a duration of 2-3 weeks. (More information on this in the article: ‘Lyme Disease; Emerging from a Tick Bite.’

      Remember to always consult with your Homeopath before taking any kind of homeopathic remedies.

      Litterary Source


      Living in the 21th century gives us all kinds of new technologies to make life easier. But on the other hand, life has become overwhelming, complicated & confusing. Due to these and other factors more & more people are affected by emotional and mental ailments and seek help to find balance in their life. Stress and emotional imbalance can also cause physical illness.

      According to to the WHO "Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity."

      Homeopathy is a holistic approach that takes all of this into account and helps to balance the person as a whole, and these are good reasons why you should consider homeopathic treatment:
      1. No harmful side effects.
      2. Gentle healing.
      3. Individual/Holistic approach.
      4. Preventive treatment.
      5. Inexpensive.
      6. Not tested on animals.
      7. Easy to take (children love the little pills).
      8. Patient involvement.
      9. Invaluable for first aid.
      10. The medicine of the future.*

      * With over 3000 homeopathic medicines and new remedies being discovered, homeopathy is a growing art of medicine. Unlike conventional medicine, which takes drugs off the market every year as new side-effects are discovered, homeopaths still use the same medicines they were using 200 years ago along with new medicines to broaden their scope.

      Scientists are only now discovering breakthroughs in quantum physics which help us develop a deeper understanding of homeopathic medicine.

      During World Homeopathic Awareness Week 2010, homeopaths all around the world will be informing the public about the possibilities of homeopathy to restore balance in life. To find out more about the activities and events taking place in your area, please visit

      From the WHAW 2010 brochure.


      It's not much fun being an Aurum individual. One of the nicest things about treating Aurum cases is seeing some lightness enter their lives after taking the remedy. Like the gold from which the remedy is made, there is a great heaviness about Aurum, a heaviness that in most cases has been there since early childhood.

      When a patient reports that he has been depressed all of his life, think of Aurum. For the Aurum individual, some degree of depression is a normal state of being. They do from time to time enter into deep and seemingly hopeless depressions, but even in between these episodes there is a feeling of a dark cloud continually hanging over them.

      The Aurum child grows up sensing that love is only forthcoming from his parents when he does his best to please them. Often the parents were very exacting, expecting the child to excel at school, or at whatever they were good at, or had wanted to be good at but were not.. The Aurum child is extremely sensitive to criticism, since criticism from his parents implies that he has not pleased them, and hence i snot loved by them. In order to avoid the pain of rejection, the child learns to do his best at all times. This produces a seriousness and a lack of spontaneity in tha Aurum child, which usually progresses to feelings of depression and despair even before the child becomes an adult..

      Later in life, in their struggle to be somebody important, many Aurums are seduced by wealth, and the influence and respect that it brings. For some Aurums it is enough to be wealthy.. If such a person loses his wealth, he loses all of his self-respect, and this is another potent stimulus for depression in Aurum. Many of the stockbrokers who threw themselves from the top windows of their skyscraping empires during the great Wall Street crash of the Thirties must have been Aurum individuals. It is interesting that potentized gold can bring relief to the sufferings of those who seek refuge in great wealth. Many a reclusive millionaire would do well to exchange a little of their solid gold for its homeopathic equivalent. (From the book: Homeopathic Psychology by Philip M. Bailey, MD)

      Key Symptoms indicating an Aurum prescription:
      * Serious, successful, intimidating patient with melancholic demeanor.
      * Severe depression. Suicidal states.
      * Relieved by thought of suicide
      * Suicidal impulses by jumping from a height.
      * Suicidal from the pains.
      * Ailments from grief or disappointed love.
      * Ailments after business reversals and humiliation.
      * Outbursts of anger.
      * Amelioration from music (often classical music). Deep love of music.
      * Spiritual inclination and desire for prayer or meditation.
      * Fear of failure.
      * General amelioration in the evening.
      * Pain worse at night.
      * Boring headaches at inner angle of the right eye.
      * Nasal obstruction and severe sinusitis.
      * A main remedy for problems of the testicles and epididymis.
      * Moaning in sleep; crying out in sleep.

      Causations for the Aurum condition: Mercury, Alcohol, Grief, Fright, Anger, disappointed love, contradiction, reserved displeasure, unusual responsibility, loss of property.


      Today Homeopaths across the world celebrate the birthday of Samuel Hahnemann - the founder of Homeopathy. In the week following his birthday, the World Homeopathic Awareness Week is organized throughout various countries in the world. During this week homeopaths and friends of homeopathy come together to share the miracles of homeopathy.

      More about WHAW tomorrow. Today I will repost an older article which describes the life and work of Mr. Samuel Hahnemann - in memory of his 255th. Anniversary.


      Samuel Hahnemann, the founder of homeopathy, was a Renaissance genius who was skilled in many fields: he was a master pharmacist, a skilled linguist and translater who was fluent in seven languages, and the forerunner of today’s natural healers who promote a natural diet and healthy lifestyle.

      He could also be called the first psychiatrist, because he was the first person in modern times to promote the humane treatment of the mentally ill as well as curing them with his remedies.

      Decades before Koch and Pasteur, he understood the principles of contagious illnesses and successfully treated the deadly epidemics which ravaged Europe in the first half of the nineteenth century. Hahnemann could even be considered a pioneer of modern public health and sanitation measures.

      Hahnemann would merit a prominent place in the history of medicine for any of his contributions. His greatest contribution, of course, is the founding of the system of homeopathy, an unparalleled achievement: so far as we know, Hahnemann is the only person to have envisioned an entire system of medicine and then fully developed it into a powerful and practical tool within the span of a single lifetime.

      He was a true visionary whose understanding of the energetic basis of health and healing anticipated by a century the paradigm of matter as energy in modern physics. And allopathic medicine has barely begun to incorporate an understanding of the mind-body connection which Hahnemann delineated nearly two centuries ago.

      Hahnemann was born on April 11, 1755, in Meissen, Saxony, Germany where his father was employed as a porcelain painter. Money was scarce, and in his early years the young Samuel was frequently taken out of school for lack of money. He helped pay for his own education starting at the age of 12 by tutoring his fellow students in Latin and Greek. Hahnemann’s father cultivated original thinking in Samuel from the time he was young. Before going to the porcelain factory, he would often shut Samuel up in a room, giving him a knotty question to ponder. “Prove all things, hold fast to what is good, dare to be wise” was the substance of his advice to his son. Hahnemann was such a brilliant student that one of his professors arranged for free tuition. He left school in 1775 after presenting a dissertation in Latin on “The wonderful construction of the human hand.”

      Hahnemann published many works on chemistry, the most celebrated being a treatise on arsenic poisoning. Some of his critics would later say that Hahnemann would have been a great chemist had he not turned into a great quack.

      The year 1791, when Hahnemann was 46, marked a turning point in the development of his thought. Up to that point he could see the limitations, even the dangers, of the medicine he had been trained in, but he had no good alternative to offer.
      In 1791 Hahnemann had a remarkable insight while translating Cullen’s Materia Medica. Cullen attributed the antimalarial properties of Cinchona bark (from which quinine is made) to its bitterness, but Hahnemann knew that other bitter herbs are not active against malaria. He began a practice which he would continue throughout his life and which demonstrated his great integrity and love of knowledge: he experimented on himself. He found that Cinchona bark (from which the homeopathic remedy China is made) could induce in him, a healthy person, the same symptoms it would cure in the sick person. This discovery led to the first law of homeopathy: the Law of Similars, or “Like Cures Like.”

      Hahnemann also made his mark as a psychiatrist. Asylums at this time were usually run in connection with prisons; the mentally ill were crowded in close quarters with insufficient food. Worse, they were abandoned by physicians, who believed that insanity was contagious. Instead, the mentally ill were chained, flogged, and teased for the amusement of visitors. The first real asylum for mental patients was opened by Hahnemann in Georgenthal. It was designed for the wealthy insane and melancholic. He had only one patient, the well-known author Klockenbring of Hannover, who was suffering from a full-blown mania which modern psychiatrists would have great difficulty treating. Yet Hahnemann cured him completely in seven months. It was the first time in the modern era that insane people were treated with gentleness, humaneness and compassion instead of coercion.

      In 1810 Hahnemann published the first edition of the Organon of the Healing Art, his most important work. This book laid out the foundations of his new approach to healing, including the Law of Similars, the principle of giving a single medicine which had been potentized, and in the smallest possible dose, and only giving remedies which had been proven on healthy people.

      Success was achieved in 1813 when Hahnemann used homeopathy to treat an epidemic of typhus, which affected Napoleon’s soldiers after their invasion of Russia.

      In 1831 homeopathy triumphed again, this time over the cholera epidemic which spread westward from Russia, while allopathic medicine was helpless against the virulent disease.

      At every step in developing his system Hahnemann was met with great discouragement and abuse. He suffered from the attacks of the orthodox medical establishment of his time, which used all the legal and political weapons at their disposal to stop him. The journals of his time printed scathing, even libelous, critiques. The criticisms he endured only stimulated him to perfect his system.

      Hahnemann’s integrity was strikingly displayed in his abandoning his medical practice when he found it harmful to his patients, instead trying to support his large family on a meager income from translating books. He also demonstrated his integrity by doing something which physicians and pharmacists of today would never think of: he experimented on himself with the remedies he gave to his patients.

      This brings us to another admirable quality, his industriousness. In addition to developing an entire system of medicine and proving about a hundred remedies, he wrote about 70 original works on chemistry and medicine and translated about 24 works from English, French, Latin, Italian.

      Finally, he was humble. He wrote to his friend Dr. Stapf, “Be as sparing as possible with your praises. I do not like them, I feel that I am only an honest, straightforward man who does not more than his duty.”

      Excerpted from the book “Hahnemann revisited” by Luc de Schepper


      It is estimated that over 70 million women worldwide are suffering from Endometriosis, one of the most misunderstood diseases among the health professionals of today. Endometriosis is more common as breast cancer and other well known diseases, but despite the vast numbers of women suffering from this disease - very few have actually heard about it.

      Endometriosis are small deposits of the womb lining that are located outside of the womb cavity. The most common place to find it is on the ovary, the back of the uterus and the ligamentous supports that hold the uterus in its normal position. Endometriosis can also be found on the thin lining of the pelvic organs (the peritoneum), on the tubes, between the vagina and rectum, in or on the bladder, in abdominal scars from previous surgery and even as far away from the pelvis as the lung.. Each time you have a normal period, it can lead to cyclical swelling, stretching of tissues, inflammation and scarring. Eventually all the scarring and inflammation can lead to symptoms even when you're not having a period. (Womens Health)

      One of the most common symptoms of Endometriosis is pelvic pain. The symptoms align with the menstrual cycle, which in turn are getting more and more painful as time passes. The symptoms are difficult to discover as they tend to mimic those of other health problems, such as: ovarian cysts, ectopic pregnancy, pelvic inflammatory disease, irritable bowel syndrome, ovarian cancer, fibroid tumors, colon cancer and appendicitis.

      The most common symptoms of Endometriosis include:

      * Pain before/during periods.

      * Pain with intercourse

      * Chronic pelvic pain throughout the month

      * Low back pain

      * Heavy and/or irregular periods

      * Painful bowel movements, especially during menstruation

      * Painful urination during menstruation

      * Fatigue

      * Infertility

      * Diarrhoea or constipation

      The result of suffering Endometriosis is a gradual decline in a womans general health.

      Although there are many questions which still remains to be answered as to the reason of the cause of endometriosis, we see that it often runs in families and that the risk increases after the age of 30. There are several theories trying to explain the cause of Endometriosis, but fortunately the professional Homeopath do not need a cause or a diagnosis for being able to offer a person effective treatment.


      There are many reasons why epilepsy may occur, and the development of the symptoms also vary widely. The main symptoms include seizures (with or without aura), loss of consciousness, clonic movements, difficulties in voluntary movements, paresthesias such as burning, tingling, or numbness and visual hallucinations.

      Homeopathy have long traditions in treating epilepsy, and homeopathic medicine is known to have good effect in reducing the number and/or intensity of the attacks, and even removing them completely in some cases.

      Kali muriaticum is one of the main homeopathic remedy in treating epilepsy, especially when it occurs in connection to suppression of eruptions. "Kali muriaticum is one of the tissue remedies too easily overlooked. Its delicate affinity for the nerve centres makes it a slow acting remedy. In as much as the physician too frequently seeks palliation in epilepsy, it is not generally employed long enough. Without doubt it preserves the fibrin factor and prevents a tissue metamorphosis. This, he believes, should be the therapeutic aim in treating this disease. It is simple enough to relieve a fit, for it is in itself self-limiting. The real object is to overcome the morbid degeneration. The protoplasmic fibres are surely strengthened by Kali mur., and such a condition tends to preserve the brain integrity. When the brain-cells are properly nourished, they can withstand the irritation of the sensory fibrillar which surround them. This being done, we have made the first advance toward the removal of the cause of the disease.." (The Clinique, June IS, 1897).

      Another important remedy which is used in the treatment is Natrium Sulphuricum. This homeopathic remedy is specific to the epilepsy that occurs after a head injury (posttraumatic epilepsy).

      Other remedies valuable in the treatment of epilepsy include: Kali phos. (coldness and palpitation after the fit), Magn.phos. (fits result of vicious habits), Ferrum phos. (fits with rush of blood to the head) and Silicea (fits during the night, cold before attack).

      A case study of the acute treatment of a 5-year old girl with status epilepticus can be found at


      The homeopathic remedy Conium Maculatum has been used extensively for malignant affections of glands. The symptoms are a gradually growing hardness of the glands, which is commonly seen in tumor formation in the breasts and other parts of the body.

      Conium has long been used by homeopathic professionals in the treatment of breast cancer, especially in Indian hospitals. A recent study reveals the effect homeopathic remedies can have on cell growth. International Journal of Oncology reports:

      We conducted an in vitro study to determine if products prescribed by a clinic in India have any effect of breat cancer cell lines. We studied four ultradiluted remedies (Carcinosin, Phytolacca, Conium and Thuja) against two human breast adenocarcinoma cell lines.. and a cell line derived from imoortalized normal human mammary epithelial cells.. The remedies exerted preferential cytotoxic effects against the tow breast cancer cell lines, causing cell cycle delay/arrest and apoptosis.. The findings demonstrate biological activity of these natural products when presented at ultra-diluted doses.

      Conium is made of Poison Hemlock and is one of our main remedies to combat malignancy and pre malignant conditions. The complaints in this remedy develop slowly and progressively and its main symptoms are ascending paralysis, weakness of body and mind, trembling and palpitation. It is commonly given to older patients when they start withdraw from life and they start having difficulties moving physically, mentally and emotionally. Other symptoms include: weakened memory, mental depression, introversion, indifference to materialistic and sexual desires.

      The cause of the Conium condition is often an injury (blows, contusions) to the soft tissue, ailments due to sexual suppression or sexual excess, excitement or overwork.

      A case by Paul Herscu demonstrates the effect of this deep acting homeopathic remedy:

      I recall treating one woman in her fifties who suddenly developed mastitis. Her right breast was extremely painful and inflamed. The soreness was throughout the breast, especially aggravated by touch or pressure, even from the touch of her bra or clothing.. I found that the breast had multiple nodules and that the nipple had became retracted. the nodules filled the whole breast extending into her axillary glands. It turned out that her horse had kicked her in that breast some months earlier and that after some weeks it felt better, but now all of the sudden this inflammation began. Conium Maculatum 200C stopped the pains that day and the nodules and swelling decreased over the next two days; no other treatment was needed.


      The dental experience involves a great many factors for the fearful patient. We can think of the antiseptic smell upon entering the reception room. The whine of the dental drill can really separate the men from the boys. He is surrounded by uniformed people coming at him with foreign objects to violate that important psychological space, the mouth..

      Gelsemium is the number one remedy for fear of the dentist. A dose taken the morning of the procedure, is sufficient to turn the dentist into a friend rather than the invader with the painful tools.

      Many patients fear especially the Root canal procedure. This acute situation can happen to any of us, but there are certain methods to stack the cards in favor of the patient. The most obvious is to be a regular patient and have small problems taken care of before they become emergency situations, so the need for a root canal probably never arises.

      A root canal simply cleans and shapes the hollow center of a tooth, which is normally filled with blood, nerve and lymph tissue called the pulp. This tissue can be damaged by trauma such as a blow to the mouth, or deep decay can cause bacterial infection inside the tooth. As part of the root canal, a special filling is placed in this hollow center to prevent further infection. The best way to prevent the need for a root canal is through hygiene to protect against early caries or tooth decay.

      Homeopathy can help strengthen teeth to prevent decay: the tissue salt Calc. phos. 6x will strengthen teeth just as it can strengthen bones weakened by osteoporosis.
Once an infection arises, it’s too late to self-medicate to cure the infection; you will need to see your dentist for the abscess. But homeopathy can certainly help with the pain.

      Chamomilla is an excellent remedy for the oversensitive patient who fears pain in general and faints or screams at the thought of pain; it is especially good for children and nervous patients. The pain is pulsating, jerking or drawing and feels worse from cold, from a draft, from drinking coffee or other hot drinks, from chewing, from pressure, and from the warmth of the bed or the room.

      Merc. sol. is good for drawing, pressing, tearing pain, worse at night, from cold air, in bed, from damp weather, and during eating. It goes with involuntary flow of saliva and swelling of the face, abscess of the roots of the teeth, and nasal discharge.

      For pain in the teeth after a filling, by far the most popular remedy is Arnica. The pain has a sensation of pulling in the teeth while eating, is worse from chewing, and a typical bruised, sore feeling, worse from being touched. Another valuable remedy is Hypericum, which has a typical drawing, electrical, tearing nerve pain, worse at night and when the person moves.

      You can routinely take Arnica after a tooth filling to save a lot of trouble. The patient himself should always take a dose of Calendula ahead of time when extensive surgery is needed or if the patient is a slow healer.

      Excerpt from Dentistry and Teeth: The Real Tooth Fairy: A Homeopathic Remedy! by Dr.Luc